The Contribution of Moral Knowing, Moral Feeling and Moral Action to Social Competence of Educators in Fakfak District
Field facts show that in Fakfak Regency there are still many problems of pros and cons between fellow educators. Based on field facts, it can be concluded that the level of social competence of educators is still very low. Social competence itself can be influenced by three factors, namely moral feeling, moral action, and moral knowing. The aim of this research is to find out whether there is a contribution between moral knowing and the social competence of educators, to find out whether there is a contribution between moral feeling and the social competence of educators, to find out whether there is a contribution between moral action and the social competence of educators, to find out whether there is a contribution between moral knowing, moral feeling and moral action on the social competence of educators. This research uses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The population used in this research were educators at Fakfak Regency Elementary Schools. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and questionnaires using Google Form. The results of this research are that there is a partial contribution, namely between moral knowing towards the social competence of educators, moral feeling towards the social competence of educators, and moral action towards the social competence of educators. Next, namely the simultaneous contribution of moral kowing, moral feeling and moral action to the social competence of educators.
Key words : moral knowing, moral feeling, moral action, social competence.
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