The Relationship Between Professional Competencies Instructor With Learning Outcomes For Sewing Training Participants in Rumah Pintar, Sarolangun District
pintar in Sarolangun Regency. This is thought to be due to the instructor's poor professional
competence, resulting in low learning outcomes for the training participants. This research aims to: 1)
Find out the professional competence of instructors in sewing training participants in rumah pintar in
Sarolangun district. 2) Find out the learning outcomes of sewing training participants in the
Sarolangun district smart home. 3) Knowing the relationship between the professional competence of
instructors and the learning outcomes of sewing training participants in rumah pintar in Sarolangun
district. This type of research is quantitative with a correlational type of research. The population in
this study was 30 people and the sample taken was 20 people with sampling using a simple random
sampling technique. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques use
percentage and rank order formulas.The results of the research show that: 1) The description of the
professional competence of instructors for sewing training participants in rumah pintar in Sarolangun
Regency is categorized as poor; 2) The description of learning outcomes for sewing training
participants in rumah pintar in Sarolangun Regency is categorized as very low; 3) There is a significant
relationship between the instructor's professional competence and the learning outcomes of sewing
training participants in rumah pintar in Sarolangun Regency.The research suggestions are: 1) It is
hoped that instructors will improve their professional competence so that they can support better
learning; 2) It is hoped that training participants can improve learning outcomes to the maximum by
being active in learning and receiving learning from training; 3) It is hoped that future researchers will
examine new variables so that they can add to existing variables and complete them.
Keywords: Instructor Professional Competencies, Learning Outcomes
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