Character Education Learning for Resident Learn Package C at PKBM

Ariq Rahmanianto


The purpose of this study was to (1) describe the process of learning character education for residents learning package C at pkbm Aditya. (2) Describe the implementation of the main character values in character education learning for residents learning package C at pkbm Aditya. (3) Describe the supporting and inhibiting factors of character education learning for residents learning package C at pkbm Aditya. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative methods. The study was carried out in the Street Child Care Education Community in the City of Bekasi. The research subjects are: (1) Informant sources: one manager and one volunteer, (2) Information sources: two learning residents. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation. The stages of research carried out are orientation, exploration, and member check. Data analysis uses data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification conclusions. The results of this study indicate that (1) The process begins with compiling various learning plans, sorting out what character values will be applied. Character education is poured into learning activities so that students are unconsciously implementing it. (2) In implementing the main values of the PBM characters, Aditya is able to run it well, it can be seenfrom the 5maincharacter values that everythingcanbe implemented.(3)Supporting and inhibiting factors in character education learning are the spirit of student motivation to become better individuals, but parental involvement is still lacking because not all parents can always guide and monitor their children's activities at home.

Keywords: Learning, Character Education, PKBM

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