Increase Adult Learning Motivation through Promotion of Their Needs

Setiawati Setiawati, Wirdatul Aini


The writing of this article is motivated by the author's direct experience as the leader of the community service team at Padang State University, in various locations and places of service, including in the Sungai Buluh Timur community. The problems that have arisen so far are the low motivation of the community to participate in learning, especially regarding learning materials related to theory. This is seen from the arrival of those who are often late, lacking focus in learning, wanting to go home quickly. The author suspects, this happens because the community still does not feel that learning is carried out as a necessity. The purpose of this paper is in order to describe the nature of the needs and learning needs of adults, how adults learn, and also stated things that need to be done so that learning in society can be realized as a need. It is hoped that this paper can be used as input for practitioners engaged in community development, have awareness and insight in conducting learning activities so that the community is able to see their learning needs and at the same time be able to help the community to get out of the life problems they face.

Keywords: Learning Motivations, Learning Needs

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